Find more, waste less.

Our Story

We all lose things. Boomerang started because I kept losing my metal water bottle, at the gym, the airport, the office.

Did you know that to offset its carbon footprint, a reusable metal water bottle needs to be used 500 times vs a single-use plastic equivalent?

If it’s lost before that point, what is actually more sustainable? It’s definitely not single-use plastic but most lost property ends up being binned after 6-12 months.

BoomerangTags are our solution to help our sustainable choices have impact. By helping your belongings find their way back to you, we consume and waste less.

It’s our mission to help sustainable lifestyles succeed. Starting with our first step: to rehome 100,000 lost items globally.

Our Impact

Our impact is at the heart of our story and helping your choices become more sustainable starts with our own.

Through our partnership with rePurpose Global, every BoomerangTag bought, removes 1kg of plastic waste from nature.

That’s 10 plastic water bottles per tag or 60 per box.

We are supporting rePurpose Global’s impact project Anmol Kinara in India. The project targets ocean-bound plastic waste by improving under-developed waste management services in rural-coastal villages on the west coast of India. It also supports waste workers’ incomes and providing access to an inclusive, and safe work environment. You read more about the project here.

We are carbon neutral until 2028 thanks to investment from EarthInvest. Their grant provides carbon measurement and removal via Supercritical, as well as training for our team.

Find more, waste less.

Try the smart way to find things.

From lost to found.